To show the power of personal relationships you get with a State Farm agent, we created an integrated campaign for basketball audiences that played into the almost supernatural “6th sense” or chemistry players share with teammates.

When we heard CP3 was BEING traded to Houston we ran with it,
creating a PARALLEL narrative TO HIS REAL Life GETTING TO KNOW

the story begins with chris’ long time state farm agent/identical twin brother, Cliff paul,
giving him one final assist: a new agent in houston.
Chris and his new agent Cole (Oscar from the office) clicked the moment they met,
and their relationship blossomed like a beautiful 90s love ballad.

We also took over teammate James Harden’s social feeds, bringing our meta narrative into the “real world” for fans to engage with – including this karaoke video.

Chris and his new “teammates” got so tight, they could talk about anything without saying anything at all.
and Chris and cole’s mind meld became the
Stuff of LEgends.

As the season rolled into all star weekend, we helped fans get closer to Harden by showing them what it’s like to be his state farm agent–taking them (Literally) inside his head.

When we entered the playoffs, chris and cole’s chemistry became a true source of inspiration–just like all the usual ads brands run during those 4.5 weeks of basketball glory.
and the playoff shenanigans continued with cole trying to direct his own epic spot.
Throughout the season, the story flowed through supporting :06 - :15 films on social and pre-roll,
showing the stages of their mind meld.
We also took the story inside the medium, where chris and cole sat in pre-roll limbo challenging fans to skip.

Hurricane Harvey ravaged Houston right before Chris arrived. Being the good neighbor he is, we worked together with eBay to help him sell off old memorabilia to raise funds for the cleanup effort.
The campaign raised over 50k in 48 hours, which was donated to
Hurrican Harvey relief efforts.

in the end, this beautiful story of friendship held the top spot on nielsen ratings for recall and likability.
Earned a nod from the OneShow and Cannes.
And was featured in mainstream, sports, and industry press: