Bringing the Most Interesting Man in the World and his many legends and exploits to life was an exhilarating challenge for us. It required nuanced writing and art direction to ensure that the Man never becomes gimmicky, and always retains a sense of mystery and class.
First came writing these epic lines and vignettes in a writers room And Bringing the IDEA to life on the “internet”.
the Most Interesting Academy
Going into its first year as a national campaign, Dos Equis needed a large below-the-line concept that would tie social events and PR to a fun and interesting interactive experience. We conceived, created and constructed the Most Interesting Academy - the educational wing of the efforts of the Most Interesting Man in the World.
The Academy was structured so that Dos Equis fans could take online courses and play addictive games in order to win a coveted role as one of the Top Scholars. Massive touring events, innovative media and a webseries starring survival expert Bear Grylls were also part of the mix. Enrollment and time on site far exceeded the brand's expectations.
the Most Interesting Cargo HUNT
Backed by heavy media play including an original video and event booths at popular concert sites, the Cargo Hunt had as its central feature a map-based game that rewarded users with Monopoly-style artifacts (as well as real-world instant win prizes).
With a story about the Most Interesting Man in the World abandoning his 150 most valuable artifacts in the midst of a crashlanding, we launched a national search at dosequis.com/cargohunt.
With a real cargo-hunting trip to Mexico as the prize, enrollment doubled that of the previous year's effort, with many contenders coming to the site multiple times a day.